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Mathis helps people slow down the aging process and stop physical wear and tear. Through his many years of work as a dancer, he is familiar with training concepts that playfully combine movement, strength and coordination, thus guaranteeing a training that is always varied. With his proven concept he helps you to a strong, flexible and tension-free body. Far away from annoying observers, the training takes place in the EDEN Private Gym.


  • Personal Trainer License of the German Sport University Cologne
  • Basic course in integral treatment of scoliosis
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What I can do for you

Functional Training

Functional training is all about training the body for everyday movements and activities. It targets multiple muscle groups at once, improving overall strength, balance, and flexibility. It's not just about lifting weights, but also about mimicking real-life movements and activities. By training functional movements, you'll not only look better, but also feel better and move better. This type of training is designed to enhance daily functionality and prevent injuries. Unlock your body's full potential and take control of your body!

Mobility Training

Mobility training is all about improving range of motion and flexibility. It includes exercises such as stretching, foam rolling, and yoga. Improving mobility not only helps to prevent injuries, but also helps to improve overall strength and performance. A lack of mobility can lead to pain and discomfort, so it's important to maintain and improve it. Unlock your body's full potential and be more agile!

Nutrition Coaching

Are you looking to improve your overall health and well-being? My nutrition coaching program is tailored to your individual needs, and helps you create a healthy and sustainable relationship with food. I will work with you to develop a plan that fits your lifestyle, preferences, and goals. By understanding how to fuel your body with the right nutrients, you'll see an improvement in your energy levels, weight loss, and overall health. Take control of your nutrition and improve your well-being with our coaching program.

Strength Training

Strength training is all about building muscle and increasing overall strength. It includes exercises such as weightlifting, resistance training and bodyweight exercises. It's not just about looking good, but also about feeling good and being able to perform better in everyday life. Improve your overall strength, bone density, metabolism, and overall health with strength training. Take control of your body and reach your full potential!

Pricing & Packages

1h Personal Training + Training Plan

The individual lesson is useful for you if you already have some training experience. In the one-to-one session, we use scientifically proven techniques to scan your posture, look at where your muscular imbalances lie and develop a training plan that will help you overcome your plateaus. I also look at your technique in movement execution and help you optimize your training.

Per Session
Fundamentals Coaching

You get to know and understand the limits of your body. What is good and what is bad pain? How do you perform movements correctly and purposefully and which training form is the right one for you to achieve your goals? After a basic coaching you will have learned the basics of a successful training and you will be able to train on your own. You will sleep better, your posture will be visibly better and you will have significantly less tension and fidgeting than before. A basic coaching usually lasts 10-12 weeks.

Per Hour
Nutrition Coaching

You want to lose weight, have already tried everything, but you just can't get closer to your dream weight. Because of your weight you have a lot of tension, your feet hurt and your back hurts. Maybe you are already thinking about a stomach reduction, which should finally bring relief. When it comes to losing weight, training is secondary. In a goal-oriented nutrition coaching, I support you over a longer period of time to change your eating habits so that you lose weight without gaining it back directly in the yo-yo effect. And that without having to give up anything. A nutrition coaching usually lasts 12 weeks.

For Coaching

Let us talk!

Contact me today and let me help you reach your full potential.

Mathis Wagenbach

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Conscious, mobile, free of discomfort!