Hallo und herzlich willkommen! Ich bin Physiotherapeut seit 2015 und bringe über 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Fitnessbranche mit. Meine Leidenschaft ist es, Menschen für Fitness und Gesundheit zu begeistern. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir daran, deine Ziele zu erreichen und ein aktives, gesundes Leben zu führen. Lass uns gemeinsam durchstarten und das Beste aus dir herausholen!
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a type of cardio that alternates short bursts of intense exercise with recovery periods. This type of training helps to burn more calories and fat in less time, and also helps to improve overall cardiovascular fitness. It's a time-efficient and effective way of training, perfect for those who want to reach their fitness goals in a short amount of time. Push yourself to new limits and reach your fitness goals with HIIT!
Looking for a way to relax and unwind? My massage treatments are just what you need! Choose from a range of techniques, including Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release, Reflexology, and Lymphatic Drainage. I will help you release tension and pain, improve your circulation, and leave you feeling rejuvenated. Treat yourself to a massage today and feel the difference in your body and mind. Book now and experience the benefits of massage treatments!
Mobility training is all about improving range of motion and flexibility. It includes exercises such as stretching, foam rolling, and yoga. Improving mobility not only helps to prevent injuries, but also helps to improve overall strength and performance. A lack of mobility can lead to pain and discomfort, so it's important to maintain and improve it. Unlock your body's full potential and be more agile!
Strength training is all about building muscle and increasing overall strength. It includes exercises such as weightlifting, resistance training and bodyweight exercises. It's not just about looking good, but also about feeling good and being able to perform better in everyday life. Improve your overall strength, bone density, metabolism, and overall health with strength training. Take control of your body and reach your full potential!
TRX Training is a type of functional training that uses straps suspended from the ceiling to perform exercises that target multiple muscle groups at once. It improves overall strength, balance, and flexibility. TRX training allows you to use your own bodyweight as resistance, making it highly adaptable to all fitness levels. It is a great way to work on your core and improve your functional strength. Take your workout to the next level with TRX training.
1x 60min Personal Training
Contact me today and let me help you reach your full potential.